Microsoft Dynamics Influencer Insights
Discussing Microsoft Power Platform with Senior BI and Azure Architect, Armando Lacerda
Globally, many businesses and IT executives are switching from outdated on-premises systems to flexible, affordable cloud computing solutions. This will greatly benefit companies in lowering their IT expenses and speeding up innovation.
In our segment, Influencer Insights, we invite leading industry professionals to talk about new technological trends, P2P relationships, and Microsoft Business Solutions.
To learn more about how Microsoft is redefining the industry and what the most cutting-edge technological trends are, we spoke with Senior BI and Azure Architect, Armando Lacerda.

Who did we interview?
Armando Lacerda is a Senior BI and Azure Architect, Microsoft MVP, and Microsoft Certified Trainer. With more than 35 years of experience in the field of computing, Armando has specialized in data platform solutions based on Microsoft Azure and has assisted numerous businesses in moving their systems to the cloud.
Armando has been a certified Microsoft Trainer for more than 25 years and has a passion for teaching and community engagement.
Let Us Quickly Get To Our Expert’s Point Of View.
Question 1- What according to you are some of the top Microsoft technology trends to watch out for in 2022?
2022 is coming to an end. Yet it is the beginning of Microsoft’s fiscal year, and it is when we see most of their new techs coming out.
I am keeping my eyes on how they are maturing the Power Platform. Microsoft is committed to democratizing computing and is making it easier and easier for non-tech people to teach computers how to do what they want, without coding. That generates a lot of new data for businesses to analyze, which tells me to pay attention to the evolution of Azure Synapse and surrounding cloud data services.
The integration with AI and data analysis and the Lakehouse approach to process enterprise-level data into information has always been a topic to follow the trend.
Question 2: What are some opportunities you would be looking at this year?
The gap for businesses to transform transaction data into business-driven analytical information presents a great opportunity to deliver robust solutions.
Question 3: Would you like to share some tips on Power BI implementation?
I actually offer advice to numerous user groups around the world on how to use Power BI at the enterprise level.
One crucial piece of advice is to keep in mind that Power BI is updated monthly. Every month, Power BI adds a huge number of new features. Some of these new changes are minor and related to new visuals and behaviors. Others are related to platform expansion and service upgrades.
My advice is: if you’ve been working with Power BI for the last 2 or 3 years and you’re doing things today in the same way you’ve done back then, you’re probably missing out on improving your solution. At the enterprise level, check out the new (still in preview) datamart feature, and the incremental refresh and aggregation tables. If the Lakehouse method is something you're thinking about, these elements will be very helpful.
Question 4: What is the potential for Microsoft Partners in the USA?
The whole partner program is changing along with the cloud-first approach from Microsoft. And these changes are synonyms for great business opportunities.
Microsoft partners have the momentum to help their customers to lower IT costs by implementing cloud services, while also gaining access to new, scalable technologies. The potential is wide and deep.
Question 5: How can we leverage Microsoft 365 and Power Apps for improved collaboration?
These services aim to move solution development from the data center to the users' desks. To be clear, complex scenarios will always require specialized professionals. But regular, day-to-day activities can be implemented by those who better know them: the users.
Because enterprise systems are unable to record macros, users would instead create Power Apps to do the same task rather than creating an Excel spreadsheet and macros to collect data that would otherwise be lost.
That would come with tons of benefits like centralized data collection in the Dataverse and all the links with Office 365 and the graph technology backing it. To the question: stop creating spreadsheets and saving them in file servers and start creating Power Apps.
Get to Know Our InfluencerWhat is the best event that you attended recently? What were your key takeaways?
I attend a couple of dozen events every year. It is crazy. The best ones are those where I can make new connections. Networking! The tech info is always important. It is the cement of these events. But the networking and the opportunities that come out of it are the best takeaways.
My last event was Data Insight Summit in Chicago just last week. And I am looking forward to attending the Dallas Data Saturday.
What’s your success mantra?
Since my childhood, it has been Ecclesiastes 9:10, from the Bible: “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.”. And after having my family, the verse before is an important addition: “Relish life with the spouse you love. Each and every day of your precarious life. Each day is God’s gift. It’s all you get in exchange for the hard work of staying alive. Make the most of each one!”